Disaster Clean Up & Restoration


After water damage has affected a home or business, a simple cleaning service will likely not be enough to remove all the water from the structure. Water is able to enter places that almost no other type of substance can infiltrate. It is important for those areas to be addressed by professionals. We use the top-of-the-line equipment to thoroughly inspect your home or business, looking for the water that may otherwise be undetectable. 


If a water leak is not remedied properly, it can lead to mold.  Here at The Restoration Team we specialize in mold removal. Did you know mold can grow on a spec of dust? Mold spores are virtually everywhere and spread very easily.  That is why you need a Certified Mold expert to not only inspect your home or business but to properly remove it. There are many potential health effects and symptoms associated with mold exposures. Taking the proper steps in the removal process is how we assure the job is getting done right. 


A fire to your home or business can be devastating. Even the smallest of fires can cost thousands of dollars to remedy. When a fire happens, toxins are released causing staining and damage your property. The smell of smoke is incredibly strong.  Removing the remanence in a timely matter is very crucial. Soot and smoke residue can spread through out the property even in areas with no visible damages. Lingering soot can cause respiratory issues, over time, if not treated.  We have trained professionals that know just how to do that.

Shrink Wrap

We specialize in temporary roof coverings to protect your home from further damage.  Our Shrink Wrap technique is applied using a strong long lasting heat shrinking material. The way our shrink wrap works is by floating over your roof surface snug enough to ventilate and to prevent mold. Because of its custom snug fit it is less prone to the elements such as wind and it is also easy to inspect and easily removed. Our Shrink Wrap is guaranteed to make your roof leak proof and has a 1-year warranty from any defects.